Class Services


Caller ID

$7.95 per month

See who's calling before you answer the phone.

When you receive a call, the name and number of the person calling you is shown on your Caller ID display screen.

Calling Number Delivery

$4.95 per month

See who's calling before you answer the phone.

When you receive a call, the number of the person calling you is shown on your Caller ID display screen.

Caller ID Call Waiting

$7.95 per month

See who’s calling before you answer your call waiting.

When you receive a call while  on the phone, the number of the person calling you is shown on your caller ID display screen.  You MUST have a Caller ID Call Waiting capable telephone and subscribe to Call Waiting to benefit from this service.

Per Call Blocking

No Charge Block your number from being displayed to others. By dialing a code before you place a call, you can prevent your phone number from appearing on the Caller ID display of the person receiving your call. How it works: 
  1. Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone. PRES * 6 7
  2. Dial the number you're calling as usual.
  3. The person you've called will not be able to see your number displayed on their caller ID display screen. Instead, "Private" will be displayed.

You must dial *67 before each call you place. Otherwise, you phone number will be released to the person receiving your call. If you have requested Per-Line Blocking from your telephone company, you DO NOT need to dial a code to block your number each time. Your number will always appear as "Private". To override Per-Line Blocking (allowing your number to be displayed) on an individual call, dial *67 before placing the call.

Suppress Number

$1.00 per month

 Block your number from being displayed to others without having to dial a code.

You can prevent your phone number from appearing on the Caller ID display of the person receiving your call WITHOUT dialing a code before each call. Your number will always appear as “Private”. 

If you have requested Per-Line Blocking, you DO NOT need to dial a code to block your number each time. Your number will always appear as "Private". To override Per-Line Blocking (allowing your number to be displayed) on an individual call, dial *67 before placing the call.

Anonymous Call Rejection

$1.75 per month

Refuse calls from those who have blocked their numbers.

When you've turned this service "on" any callers who have blocked their number from you Call ID display will hear an announcement that you do not accept anonymous calls--and they should remove Blocking and call back. All other calls will ring through as usual.

 How it works: 

  1. To activate lift handset and listen for dial tone.
  2. Dial * 7 7
    (the block is in place after this is dialed).
  3. To deactivate lift handset and listen for dial tone.
  4. Dial * 8 7
    (all calls will ring through after this is dialed).

Slective Call Rejection

$2.75 per month

Lets you reject (block) incoming calls base on a list of telephone numbers.

Distinctive Ring

$2.95 per month (Residential)

$4.95 per month (Business)

You'll know when someone special is calling.

You are assigned a second telephone number and when that number is dialed your phone uses a special ring to announce those calls.

Hot Line

$1.00 per month

Automatically place a call to a specified number as soon as your telephone goes off hook.

Warm Line

$1.00 per month

Automatically place a call to a specified number after you remain off-hook (and no numbers entered) for a defined interval (between 2 and 30 seconds).